
Monday, May 11, 2009

Sneak Peek of Digiments

I made two cards especially for the Digiments release this Wednesday and I'm excited to share them with you but I'm going to hold out. Here's a peek at what I've made though.

Remember there's still time to enter your card in the contest to win the ENTIRE May release! So if you've been wishing for some new goodies (aren't we all) this is a way to get your hands on some for free.

Also I wanted to share this blog award I received from fellow Digiment DT member Jennifer.

There's a couple ladies I would like to share it with:




They are all super talented sweet ladies who's blogs I am inspired by regularly.

Have a fab day and I'll be back on Wednesday with pictures of my full cards!


  1. Hey, no fair! I wanna see the cards! Ok, I guess I have no choice but to wait for the reveal. This one is truly a sneak peak - LOL! Can't wait to see both of the cards!!!

    Hugs, Alma =)

  2. I love your sneak peeks Jess lol! I can't wait to see your cards : )

  3. You totally have me on the edge of my seat! I can't wait to see your finished products.

  4. what a stinker you are! you are doing REAL sneak peeks! ;) okay, I admit to sitting here on the edge of my seat, excited to see the rest of each project!!! I know it will be faboo, as always! :)

  5. what a tease you are with that sneaky peaky! I can't wait to see what it is! Thanks for pointing me to the digiments card contest...I just might have to check it out!
    I am honored that you have selected me for this award sweetie too!

  6. Happy Reveal Day!

    Suspense is over and I've seen both of your cards on the Digiments site! You created some cards that beautifully showcase the digiments. Love your cheerful colors on the first card! Love the stitching around the second card!

    Awesome, awesome work!I am in awe of all of the talent we have on the DT.

    Hugs, Alma =)

  7. Love your peeks, Jess! Looking forward to seeing the whole thing! And how sweet are you?! Thanks for the award! :>:> I'll be back to see what's going on around that blue and pink flower as well as the green bling peek!! :>

  8. Saw your stuff in the reveal and it's fabulous! My hubby was in New Jersey last weekend and had a burger at Stage Left. Have you heard of it by chance? He can't stop talking about that burger and is so sad that he lives so far away from it! LOL

  9. Saw your stuff on the reveal! Great job and they are too cute! Can't wait to see more from you!


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