
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Test Incentive Treat and a Freebie

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As you may know, my day job is teaching kindergarten and while I do not have to go through the incredibly stressful standardized test taking process with them, many of my colleagues do. So in my school this year the lower grades are adopting an upper school class and providing little treats for them to keep them motivated throughout the testing season. Even if you are not an educator, I'm sure you're own child could use a little boost before a weekly spelling test or during their own ordeal with standardized testing.

So I created this quick printable testing incentive to pair with the bag of Tootsie Rolls I got from my Easter basket, but wanted to avoid eating. After all what's the point of running three days a week if I'm going to eat a bunch of junk food. So anyway, feel free to save the printable at the end of the post and paste it in a word document to create the little package.

You will need the supplies pictured. A mini Tootsie roll, a small plastic bag, some white cardstock and some red cardstock.

Follow the measurements in the photo and fold the red piece in half.  Staple the folded red cardstock on the bag with the Toostie Roll inside. Then attach the trimmed out printable.

Or to keep it easier and cheaper simply leave a little extra space under the printable and tape the Tootsie Roll down. You could also use this with a Fruit Roll Up or a Fruit by the Foot.

Here is the printable for you to use. I would love for you to share it with any parent or teacher friends, but link back to my blog when possible.

Challenges and Link Ups


  1. Hi, what a great little treat bag you have made. Just perfect for a little child's birthday party. Thankyou for joining us at Digi Galore & good luck.
    Hugs Amanda (DT)

  2. Wonderful idea!!! Thanks for joining us at Digi Galore.
    Cindye DT


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