
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Happy Fall

Today I have a card and video for the latest Lawnscaping Challenge. The challenge is to use patterned paper and in the video I talk about how I pick and combine the awesome paper from Lawn Fawn's Sweater Weather collection. I also share how to make those leaves and why my mom is so awesome!




  1. i LOVE this!!!! that square patterned paper background really stumped me when i tried to use it, but you ROCKED it!! I LOOOOOOOOVE it as the background!! and those leaves...yes! 100 times yes! so so so cool!! thanks so much for playing along with the Lawnscaping Challenge! :D

  2. Awesome card! Those leaves look so neat!! And that fox is so cute! Thanks for playing along with us at Lawnscaping!! :)


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